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Love and Forgiveness: A mother's way of life

Namasthe all, 

 We all are in a world where words often reign supreme, my mother taught me the profound power of love and forgiveness through her actions, not her literacy by modern standards. Though she may not have been able to read or write, her wisdom eclipsed any academic measure.

She lived her life embodying the essence of selflessness, always placing others before herself. Even when faced with criticism or neglect from relatives, she remained steadfast in her resolve, never wavering in her commitment to love and serve.

Her kitchen was a sanctuary of both nourishment and resilience. Whether her culinary creations were met with praise or indifference, she bore the burden of disappointment with grace, understanding that true fulfillment comes not from external validation, but from the act of giving itself.

Endurance does not mean that they are weak... because they forgive mistakes with strong love..

In her quiet strength, she exemplified the principles of karma yoga, working tirelessly without expectation of reward or recognition. Every task she undertook was infused with love, transforming the mundane into sacred rituals of devotion.

But it was during the darkest moments of her life that her love shone brightest. As my father lay on his critical illness, she stood by his side with unwavering devotion, her actions speaking volumes where words could not. Though she may have never uttered the words "I love you" in the cinematic fashion of romance novels, her love was palpable in every gesture, every sacrifice made for the man she held dear.

My mother's legacy is not written in books or measured in academic degrees. It is etched in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to witness her silent symphony of love and forgiveness. She may have been illiterate by modern standards, but her wisdom transcended any language or literacy, teaching us that true love knows no bounds and forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and others.

Dedicated to all such Great women who silently work with out being noticed by others. 

Love  live  laugh.  Life is beautiful with its own pleasures and pains. 

Namasthe. Jai Hind


