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Overcoming Insecurity : Does it really Exist ?

 Hey All, Namasthe & Greetings!

Are you constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling unhappy when you encounter someone who is more talented than you? Do you seek validation and recognition from others, hoping that they will treat you with the respect and admiration that you feel you deserve? 
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If so, it's important to understand that these feelings are common, but they can also be detrimental to your happiness and well-being.

It's natural to want to be recognized for our talents and accomplishments, but when we become fixated on the opinions of others, we give away our power and happiness. Instead of focusing on what makes us unique and special, we start to measure our worth by the approval of others. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, jealousy, and a constant need for validation.

The truth is, there will always be people who are more talented or successful than us in certain areas. But that doesn't mean we are any less valuable or worthy of respect. Each of us has our own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to focus on developing our own talents and passions, rather than comparing ourselves to others.

Stop Seeking Validation
When we stop seeking validation from others and start valuing ourselves for who we are, we open ourselves up to a world of happiness and fulfillment. We start to see the beauty and potential in ourselves, and we are no longer held back by the limiting beliefs and insecurities that once held us back.

So the next time you find yourself comparing yourself to others or seeking validation from those around you, take a step back and focus on your own unique talents and passions. Remember that you are valuable and worthy of respect, regardless of what others may think. Embrace your strengths and embrace your unique journey, and you will find happiness and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.

Comments your opinions below!

Thank You. 

Swetha VishnuChittan
